Welcome to The Farmer’s Dog pub

The Farmer's Dog is the first Hawkstone filling station. But it’s not just a pub, it’s also a restaurant. And in the garden, there’s a farm shop, a butcher, an off licence, a bar, and an outpost to grab a fantastic meaty snack.

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Grown or Reared on British Farms

Our menu is packed with ingredients produced on British farms. Take a look and see what takes your fancy.

View our menu

Tuesday is Steak Night

We’ve launched a new Steak Night on Tuesdays at The Farmer’s Dog. Join us for British-reared and farmed steak and a delicious pint of Hawkstone.

View the menu

Get them a gift card

Not sure what to get them? Load up a gift card to spend at The Farmer's Dog. It’s the perfect gift for birthdays, special occasions, or even just a day of the week where they deserve something special.

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  • Hops & Chops

    British-reared and farmed meat, plus delicious Hawkstone to take away.

  • The Farmer's Puppy: Bar & Kitchen

    Our small but mighty version of the pub in a tent.

  • Diddly Squat Farm Shop

    The best of the farm for you to take home.

Make a Booking

Bookings are available at The Farmer’s Dog pub for lunch, dinner and Sunday carvery.

No space left in the Pub? Food from The Farmer’s Puppy (food van) is served from 9:30am until 3pm.

Now serving

Food & Drink

Our menu is packed with ingredients produced on British farms. It’ll change based on what’s in season, but it’ll always be absolutely f***ing delicious. Take a look and see what takes your fancy.

Opening Hours

Mon: 5pm - 11pm (bar snacks only)
Tues: 11am – 11pm
Weds: 11am – 11pm
Thurs: 11am – 11pm
Fri: 11am – 11pm
Sat: 11am – 11pm
Sun 11am – 10.30pm

The Tent: (The Farmer's Puppy, Hops & Chops and Diddly Squat Farm Shop)

Wednesday to Friday: 10am – 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9.30am – 4.30pm

Serving Times

Lunch (Tues – Sat)
12pm – 3pm

Dinner (Tues – Sat)
5.30pm – 9.30pm

Sunday Carvery
12pm – 6pm

The Farmer's Puppy Kitchen

Wednesday to Sunday kitchen closes at 3pm


I have tried my absolute hardest to make sure that every single thing you consume in The Farmer’s Dog was grown or reared by British farmers. And I have failed.

Yes, the pork, the beef, the lamb and the venison are all British. And so is pretty much everything else. The milk, the butter, the eggs, the vegetables and the fruit. We even cook in British oils.

But there have been some problems like, for instance, the simple G&T.

You can’t have a pub that doesn’t offer a gin and tonic. But there is quinine in tonic water, and you can’t grow that in Britain. Sure, I could have served gin and water instead, but I didn’t think you’d enjoy it very much. Especially as, instead of a slice of lemon, you’d have been given a slice of turnip, or some potato peelings.

You can, however, run a pub that doesn’t serve avocado or Coca-Cola, so we don’t. Instead, we offer you British fizzy drinks made with British grown fruit. And British grown tea. And before you ask, yes, the wine is British too.

As is the Hawkstone, obviously.

So, that’s it really. We’re delighted to be doing all we possibly can to support British farming and we’re delighted that you’re here to help us.

Thank you.

Can't get to the Cotswolds?

Don't worry, we're bringing the best of The Farmer's Dog pub to you. Order merch, beer and bundles straight to your door.

Also Serving Hawkstone

There are lots of brilliant pubs serving Hawkstone nearby. Hit the button to find one. We hope to see you for a pint very soon.

Find Us Here

If you're travelling to The Farmer’s Dog, especially from Diddly Squat Farm Shop, please use the main roads. If you try to use the single-track cross-country route, I guarantee it will be slower because you’ll spend half your time backing up and looking for a passing place.